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Wednesday Wellbeing - Promoting Resilience

We often hear the word resilience, but how can children be supported to work through situations they find difficult and recover from apparent failure or trauma?

Resilience is not something people are born with, it is a skill children develop as they grow.  We can't protect children and young people from obstacles and difficult situations but we can help them develop strategies to cope with them and to learn from for the future.

Here are 3 strategies to try from Katie Hurley, author of The Happy Kid Handbook, with a link to the article from which they came.


Resist the Urge to Fix It and Ask Questions Instead

When kids come to parents to solve their problems, the natural response is to lecture or explain. A better strategy is to ask questions. By bouncing the problem back to the child with questions, the parent helps the child think through the issue and come up with solutions.

Teach Problem-Solving Skills

The goal is not to promote rugged self-reliance. We all need help sometimes, and it’s important for kids to know they have help. By brainstorming solutions with kids, parents engage in the process of solving problems. Encourage kids to come up with a list of ideas and weigh the pros and cons of each one.

Demonstrate Coping Skills

Deep breathing exercises help kids relax and calm themselves when they experience stress or frustration. This enables them to remain calm and process the situation clearly.


This article, by Dr Rangan Chatterjee with some fresh ideas to promote resilience, is also a useful read. I hope it is helpful.
