Everyday Wellbeing
Here are some of the ways in which wellbeing is supported in our day-to-day school life.
- The adults at school greet the children individually every morning, by name, and welcome them into school.
- Our PSHE curriculum is an important way of promoting pupil wellbeing.
- Promoting a love of reading. It’s well known that a love of reading can help pupils flourish at school, but it can also be life-changing in helping children (and adults!) lead happy and healthy lives.
- We promote a healthy lifestyle and provide opportunities for physical activity in addition to PE lessons, sports clubs and playtimes This can include a ‘daily mile’ activity, walk to school initiative and cycling proficiency.
- The adults at school are good role models for interactions, polite manners, respectful listening and share their own feelings too.
- Building a sense of community and interdependence by allocating classroom jobs and responsibilities which help others.
- Gardening sessions run by parent volunteers for KS1 children.
- The universal free fruit scheme for Reception and KS1 children.
- Celebration assemblies.
- Valuing all contributions in class discussions and recognising different points of view.
- Pupil voice such as talk partner work, sharing learning and thoughts about learning.
- Enrichment activities such as workshops, visitors and assemblies.
- Roles and responsibilities such as the School Council
……….and so much more!