Watford FC February Half Term Online Activities
Please find below details of Watford FC's half term activities:
During February Half Term 2021 (W/C 15th February), Watford FC CSE Trust will be hosting extended online activities for enthusiastic football players for three days. The online activities will be a mix of football fitness classes in the morning & afternoon to get the players active & exercising. We will also be running daily workshops on healthy lifestyles and some football specific workshops. The daily structure will involve some exercise in the morning at 10am for an hour, a break for lunch then the players will be with us from 1pm-4pm each day. Please find attached our flyer and the timetable of what each day will look like in terms of timings. All sessions will take place via Zoom so access to a laptop/tablet/mobile phone is required.
This is open to ALL enthusiastic football players aged 6-16 years old with the zoom classes split into primary & secondary school years.
Please find below the prices and booking link for the online activities.
Monday 15th February 2021 // Wednesday 17th February 2021 // Friday 19th February 2021
Daily Price: £10.00 per day
Weekly Price (All three days): £25.00
Booking Link