St Albans Music School - New Rock School
We are excited to announce our new SAMS Rock School – Mondays 7-8pm starting after Easter, at St Albans Music School (based at Townsend School, High Oaks St Albans AL3 6DR).
This is a brilliant new group, suitable for pupils of Upper Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 of all abilities on rock Instruments and voice. You can join if you are an experienced player, if you are self-taught or if you have never played before and would like to learn as you go along.
Members will learn / develop their instrumental skills and will also learn to play as part of an ensemble – essential for any rock musician. A range of rock repertoire will be covered, including elements of pupils’ own choices of song. Members will also build confidence and get to know other like-minded souls through the group.
We are hoping to hold our first ever Rock Gig at the end of this term, and we hope that our new group will form part of this.
There are just 16 places in the group which will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Trial places are free of charge and we will ask you at the end of the session whether your son/daughter wishes to join us. Termly membership is £52.
As places are limited, please only book a trial place if your son/daughter is able to come every week.
To book your trial place, please follow the link here, choosing SAMS Monday Rock School:
If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at the centre – .