Emotional Wellbeing Support available throughout the summer.....
As we go into the summer break we would like to share details of support available to children and families throughout the summer, to help look after mental health and wellbeing:
Summer emotional wellbeing support and self help tools
• Services for Young People offer a range of emotional wellbeing support as well as programmes and activities over the summer break. More details can be found here - https://servicesforyoungpeople.org/support-for-young-people/
• Herts Mind Network offer messaging and telephone support for young people - https://www.hertsmindnetwork.org/services-for-young-people/
• Chat Health text messaging support can be accessed on weekdays via the school nursing service. Secondary school aged young people can text any physical or mental health question or concern to 07480 635 050
• Kooth online support for 10 – 25 year olds - https://www.kooth.com/
• Togetherall 16+ (online support for parents, professionals, and year 13 students) - https://togetherall.com/en-gb/
• Just Talk Five ways to wellbeing e-learning and other information on self-help tools - https://www.justtalkherts.org/just-talk-herts.aspx
• SPA (single point of access) for more specialist mental health services: HPFT's freephone 24/7 helpline: 0800 6444 101