Key concepts
Why mathematics?
Underpinning our mathematical curriculum at Oakwood is the belief that every child can be successful in mathematics. In Years 1-6, we currently use White Rose as our spine curriculum and combine this with the development of mastery through our involvement in Maths Mastery from the NCETM (National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics). Our Foundation Stage use the NCETM Mastering Number programme to secure an early understanding of number. We believe that the best way to learn, and to retain that learning, is to plan for progression in daily and weekly learning using small, sequential steps. These small steps help to develop a secure understanding of the mathematics taught and ensures that children move forward at broadly the same pace. Hence, most children will be working on the same area of mathematics at the same time. Children are encouraged to use precise mathematical vocabulary to explain their reasoning using full sentences. By the end of their time with us, we aim to have embedded the basic skills and foundations children need for future learning whilst fostering an enjoyment and appreciation of mathematics in the wider world and life beyond school.
Further information
Helping at home
Talk about maths positively in your daily life, encouraging your child to count objects in your daily routines, calculate change, share items out within the family etc. Play board games and take notice of numbers in the environment – make it fun! This all helps hugely in developing a child’s appreciation of the role of mathematics within the world.
Developing and maintaining instant recall of key facts such as addition facts to ten, times tables etc., significantly helps a child to avoid overloading their working memory, thereby making it that bit easier to learn new concepts. Regular practice of these at home has a great impact on how well the children remember them and can then apply them in school.
Useful websites