Why History?
At Oakwood, History is an integral part of the curriculum: we aim to ensure that all children receive an interesting, thought-provoking and inclusive education. We believe the study of History inspires children’s curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live, and that of the wider world.
Our intent is to:
- increase and develop historical skills, concepts, knowledge and attitudes
- increase understanding of the present in context of the past
- develop and use skills in enquiry, analysis, evaluation and argument
- develop interest in the past, arousing curiosity and motivation to learn
- develop a sense of identity through learning about the past
- provide children with a well-rounded History education, including an understanding of chronology.
Curriculum Overview
Help at Home
- Go to the library and find non-fiction or historical fiction books to share with your child
- Visit museums or historical sites - we have some fabulous museums locally
- Investigate your own family tree
Useful Websites