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Why Geography?


 When children leave Oakwood, we want to ensure that they are curious and excited by all areas of the curriculum. Geography is crucial in helping children to learn, understand and appreciate the world around them.

At Oakwood, Geography is an integral part of the curriculum: we aim to ensure that all children receive an interesting, thought-provoking and inclusive education. We believe that by studying Geography, children become fascinated by their surrounding wider world and are encouraged to develop their curiosity by asking critical questions that help deepen their understanding.


At Oakwood, we intend that Geography will:

  • develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world and their place in it
  • develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas
  • develop a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes
  • promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments
  • ensure that children are competent in the geographical skills needed to collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data


Geography is often used as a topic focus for the term as a key topic (as is History) but we aim to ensure that the skills are addressed in other areas of the curriculum where appropriate in a cross-curricular way. Using the requirements of the National Curriculum, we ensure that the children receive high quality teaching, real life experiences through trips and opportunities to apply their learnt skills. The children are then able to develop these skills through their own additional learning.

Curriculum Overview

Helping at Home


•Encourage your child to observe the world around them. On a walk, talk about how some houses and buildings look older than others.
•Look at the different types of homes in your area. What are they like? When was it built? What amenities are close by? Is there a garden? What is in the garden?
•Talk about your route to school or the shops. What do you see on the way? Can you draw what you see? Can you draw a map showing your route or of the local area? 
•Observe the different weather each day. Keep a diary. Observe the changes in weather over the year and talk about the different seasons. Discuss the clothes that you wear when it is hot or when it is cold? 
•Look at a map of the world together. Where you do live? Have you lived anywhere else? Compare the similarities between where you live and another area in the world.
•Look at a map of the world. Where have you been on holiday? What continent is it in? Did you cross any oceans to get there?
•Match your toy animals to the country that they come from.

•Look at the labels in your clothes and on food items. How far has that item travelled to get to you?

•Think of ways we can save the planet. Read stories about pollution, sustainability and caring for our world.

Useful Websites
