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Protective Behaviours (PBs)

Why Protective Behaviours?

As part of our universal provision for all children we have introduced Protective Behaviours as a practical, down to earth approach to personal safety and wellbeing. The aim of the programme is to teach the children about how to feel safe, how to talk about their feelings and how to recognise safe and unsafe feelings. This encourages an adventurous approach to life that satisfies the desire for fun and excitement without violence or fear. Protective Behaviours help children to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (Early Warning Signs) and to develop a range of strategies for self-protection.


The programme focuses on two key themes:

  • We all have the right to feel safe all of the time; and

  • We can talk with someone about anything, even if it feels awful or small.


All children take part in whole class sessions which are specifically tailored to meet the needs of all year groups, from Foundation Stage to Year 6.  We revisit the themes at times throughout they year. If you have any questions or queries, please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to tell you more about the programme.


Individual Protective Behaviours sessions are available for some children as part of our targeted provision and run by a trained member of school staff.


Please follow the links below to read the parent information booklet and advice for safety.


We All Have the Right to Feel Safe Booklet


Practical Advice for Keeping Children Safe



